Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Traveling Cat-Owen

As part of our celebration of our Anni- FUR- sary

We wanted to tell stories of our clients who have been with us most of those years.

What to do when you are retired and spend the winter in Florida? You bring your kitty along. They are part of the family.

Meet Owen and Carol Petersen.

Owen is fairly new to Carol; he is only 2 years old, and a very handsome brown tabby cat.

He enjoys: long car rides, and sun bathing, as well as his trips to The Cat Practice.

Carol’s son in law has built Owen his own 4-story condo outside! It has 5-carpeted platforms, and real Earth on the bottom for him to dig in. He can get in and out of his condo through her bedroom window. They are so happy to be able to spend our cold Michigan winters in the Florida sunshine ( the condo faces south, so Owen gets plenty of it).

Carol enjoys this time with her daughter and son-in-law, as well as the sun.

Thank you for sharing Carol & Owen.



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